MATLAB: How to split a member of cell array

cell arraysMATLAB

I have a cell array of 100*1 and each member has the size of 5*700. what I want to do is split each member to 5 member of 1*700. So my output will be a cell number of 500*1 (5*100) and each member has the size of 1*700. I hope that I could clarify what I want to do.
thanks a lot

Best Answer

% Create some input data for testing ("InCell" is your input):
InCell = cell(100, 1);
for k = 1:100
InCell{k} = rand(5, 700);
OutCell = cell(500, 1);
a = 1;
b = 1;
for k = 1:500
OutCell{k} = InCell{a}(b, :);
b = b + 1;
if b > 5
a = a + 1;
b = 1;
This is the simply way using loops. Smarter:
Tmp = cat(1, InCell{:});
OutCell = num2cell(Tmp, 2);