MATLAB: How to split a matrix in “submatrices”

split matrix

How can i divide a matrix into submatrices of given dimensions in automatic way?
data=reshape(1:88,11,8); %create a matrix
[mpixel,npixel]=size(data); %matrix's dimensions
m=2; %rows of the submatrix
n=3; %columns of the submatrix
v_w=floor(mpixel/m); %number of "vertical" submatrices
h_w=floor(npixel/n); %number of "horizontal" submatrices
cropdata=data(1:v_w*m,1:h_w*n);%crop matrix that can be diveded using that mxn submatrices
newdata=mat2cell(cropdata,[m m m m m],[n n]);
This code work but if I have bigger matrix I must continue to explicit [m m m…],[n n n…] in the last command and it's crazy. How can i use the command mat2cell with a smarter way?

Best Answer

As others have said, there may be no need to explicitly split the matrix, but if you must what is wrong with:
newdata = mat2cell(cropdata, repelem(m, v_w), repelem(n, h_w));