MATLAB: How to split a matrix in four matrixes

how i can split a matrix

I have a nx3 matrix and I would like to split it in four matrices with different number of rows and three columns. any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

clc; clear all ;
A = rand(100,3) ; % rows should be greater then 4
a = size(A,1); % rows in A
n = 4; % number of partitions
out = diff([0,sort(randperm(a-1,n-1)),a]); % split rows into four random parts
% else you enter your own four numbers such that sum is size(A,1)
% four matrices
A1 = A(1:out(1),:) ;
A2 = A(out(1)+1:out(1)+out(2),:) ;
A3 = A(out(2)+1:out(2)+out(3),:) ;
A4 = A(out(3)+1:out(3)+out(4),:) ;