MATLAB: How to split a large matrix into many cells (with multiple values)

accumarrayarraysmat2cellsplit matrix

Hi all,
I'm currently using a data set for football teams in the 2016/17 season.
There is a matrix X which contains data for team i facing team j.
I have a 552 x 92 matrix where each:
Row 1 = # Matches played,
Row 2 = # Wins,
Row 3 = # Losses,
Row 4 = # Draws,
Row 5 = Goal differential,
Row 6 = # Games played at home,
This then begins again, so row 7 would be another team's data.
What I aim to do is create a matrix M which for each cell contains the vector of all the above data for each team occurrence – so that I can continue with this and go on to logistic regression of the variables.
I've seen the mat2cell and accumarray functions for this but am unsure which to continue with as each appear to have errors with this.
Any advise would be appreciated,

Best Answer

data = permute( reshape(TheArray, 7, [], size(TheMatrix,2)), [2 3 1]);
Now data(J,K,1) is matches played between J and K, data(J,K,2) is wins, data(J,K,3) is losses, and so on.