MATLAB: How to speed up the script? I’m using loops and contains function and I have to screen 14K X 167K variables

speed up codes loop substitution

Hello, I'm doing text mining in attempt to organize my data. I have a table with more then 200K rows and 12 columns and I want extract some information from one of columns. Indeed, I'm looking for names that match with my reference table (approx. 14K names). For that, I'm using contains function. For make this search, I'm using two loops. First to lock one of 14K names and second for look for this name in the 200K rows. This takes a very long time. Could help to speed up my script? Thanks
Here I show you the code:
if true
% code
1st loop (reference name table)
for k=2:14045;
clear test
clear Genr
Space= ' ';
Second loop (my raw table with more than 200K rows)
for i=15001:16000;
clear Presence
clear A
clear B
clear C
Presence=contains(BiolSource, Genr, 'IgnoreCase',true);
if Presence ==1;
DNP(i,13)=erase(C,"0, ");

Best Answer

reference = readtable('MATLAB ASk2.xls', 'ReadVariableNames', false, 'Range', 'A:B');
raw = readtable('MATLAB ASk3.xls');
genera = lower(reference.Var1); %convert everything to lower case for easier comparison
matched_genera = rowfun(@(t) {genera(ismember(genera, strsplit(lower(t))))}, raw, 'InputVariables', 'Text', 'ExtractCellContent', true, 'OutputVariableNames', 'matched');
Each row of matched_genera is a cell array contain 0, 1 or more of the genera found in 'Text' (case insensitive). You can concatenate that with the original table if you wish:
newraw = [raw, matched_genera]