MATLAB: How to speed up the image acquisition routine in Image Acquisition Toolbox 1.9 (R14SP3)

fastfasterframeimageImage Acquisition Toolboxquickratereal timeslow

I am unable to acquire images from Image Acquisition Toolbox quickly enough for real-time processing. I use a loop of the form:
for indx=1:1000
% read the next frame
fdat = getdata(vid);
% Process the data

Best Answer

In order to improve the speed of an image acquisition routine, execute the following steps:
1. Set the Trigger Mode to 'Manual' before starting the video acquisition.
2. Set the number of triggers to be executed to infinity if you plan on acquiring an indefinite number of frames.
3. Start the acquisition only once outside the loop (This is the time-consuming part of the process)
4. Use the less time-consuming TRIGGER function to acquire frames inside the loop.
fdat = getdata(vid);
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