MATLAB: How to speed up Simulink Coverage

coverageoptimizationsimulinkSimulink Checkspeed

In a specific case a computation time of weeks for 396 test cases was the issue.
After using the options described below there was only 2 hours computation time left in the end.
So how we can speed up Simulink Coverage?

Best Answer

Please use the following options and configurations to speed up Simulink coverage:
1) Cumulative Coverage Data
2) Fast Restart Funktion
3) Turn off the following metrics:
Signal range
Signal size
Also turn off:
Show result explorer
Display coverage
4) Avoid any UI/Report interaction at the end of simulation by using the following call in the command line:
d= cvsim(model)
cvhtml('report', d)
If this is not resolving your issue at the end, please contact Technical Support.