MATLAB: How to speed up Bag of Visual Words Calculation

bag of wordsfeature vectorsMATLABsiftspeedStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

I am building an image retrieval system where I would give an input image and the output would be the most similar images from the dataset. I have created a bag of visual word from my dataset with 2000 words. I followed the following process:
1. Extracted SIFT features from the images in the dataset and performed k-means clustering with k = 2000. Then I stored the centroids in a mat file.
2. For an input image, I am creating its bovw as follows:
for i=1:size(features,1) % this loop is taking too much time.
for j=1:size(centroids,1)
d(j)=pdist2(features(i,:),centroids(j,:)); % Compute distance from cluster centroids
[~,indices_f(i)]=min(d); %Compute Minimum Distance
%Compute histogram
for m=1:length(temp)
For my specific use case, the features matrix contains 3127 key points of dimension 128 each. The code is converting it into a bovw representation of size 1×2000. But this code is taking approximately 40 minutes to calculate the bovw representation on a machine with 32 GB RAM and 6 cores.
Is there a better way to do so ? Also, are there alternate approaches improvising upon bag of visual word approaches, since I plan to work with large datasets now.

Best Answer

Looks like I glanced over the code too quickly and missed the key point, perhaps...
for i=1:size(features,1)
for j=1:size(centroids,1)
In the above you're computing the full array of comparative distances on a row-by-row basis but then you only save the results for one column; the last index for i; all the rest are thrown away. I presume this isn't really what you intend? If you're really looking for the minimum across all combinations, then you get the same result at far better performance with
and since you're looking later on for the minimum, then the previous comment regarding the optional parameters is useful