MATLAB: How to specify path name in sprintf

sprintf wav file

I have a folder specified by the path D:\BTP\0 (1)\0 . This contains wave file ranging from 0 to 59 and I need to read each of them using the command
for m=0:59
filename = sprintf('%d.wav',m);
[s,fs] = audioread(filename);
I need to specify file name inside sprintf command. How do I do so?

Best Answer

You can do this through string concatenation:
mypath = 'D:\BTP\0 (1)\';
for m=0:59
filename = [mypath num2str(m) '.wav'];
[s,fs] = audioread(filename);
If it needs to be inside sprintf, you can use:
mypath = 'D:\\BTP\\0 (1)\\';
filename = sprintf([mypath '%d.wav'],m);
where the double slash, \\, generates the single \ in this context.