MATLAB: How to specify Linear Analysis Points and open Linear Analysis Tool in R2020a and later

Simulink Control Design

In MATLAB R2019a, used to use Linear Analysis Tool to linearlize my Simulink model around an operating point, exactly as shown in the following example:
First, I specified linearization inputs and outputs by right-clicking signal lines and selecting the Linear Analysis Points menu. Then, I launched Linear Analysis Tool from Analysis > Control Design > Linear Analysis to obtain a Bode diagram for the model, for example.
However, in R2020a, none of the above workflows seem to be available anymore. I can neither find the Linear Analysis Points menu in the signal context menu, nor do I find Linear Analysis Tool under "Apps". Where can I find Linear Analysis Tool in R2020a and later?

Best Answer

Since R2020a, the Linear Analysis Tool is called Model Linearizer app. The features of the app remain the same, only the name has changed. For more information on using the app, see Model Linearizer.
The steps to linearize your Simulink model are:
1. Open the Linearization tab by clicking *Linearization Manager *in the Apps tab.
2. Now you can specify the portion of the model to linearize. Select a signal in your model. Then, in the Insert Analysis Points gallery, choose the type of analysis point (e.g. Input Perturbation, Open-loop Output).
3. After that, run the linear analysis by clicking the Model Linearizer button.
For a full example that shows the same linearization workflow in R2020a, refer to the following documentation link:
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