MATLAB: How to specify different PDE coefficients or different equations for different regions using the PDE Toolbox

coefficientsequationsPartial Differential Equation Toolboxpdepdetoolsubdomaintoolbox

I am using the Partial Differential Equation Toolbox and I wanted to know if there exists a way to specify different PDE coefficients i.e. different equations for different regions.
For example, region E1 would have one set of coefficients and region E2 would have another.
How can I implement this using thePartial Differential Equation Toolbox?

Best Answer

If you are trying to solve the same equation type (hyperbolic, parabolic, or elliptical) over the whole domain, it is possible to specify different coefficients in each sub domain that is defined using the PDETOOL command in the Partial Differential Equation Toolbox.
This can be done as follows:
1. Launch PDETOOL by typing pdetool in the MATLAB Command Window.
2. Use the (+) button on the toolbar to draw ellipses/circles.
3. Click on PDE menu.
4. Select PDE Mode.
5. Select Show Subdomain labels.
6. Double-click on each sub domain to specify the coefficients for that sub domain.
In this way you can assign different coefficient values to different sub domains. It is not possible to have different equation types for different domains.