MATLAB: How to sort one array based on the order of a second array


This seems like a very simple problem, but I can't seem to get it to work with the answers already available.
I have 2 string arrays:
Let's say A is a newly sorted array from a previously disordered array (e.g. Q=["1c","2a","1e","2d","1b","2c","2e","1a","2b","1d"];)
How do I sort B, based on how Q was sorted?
The goal is to produce the array below
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

As far as I can tell, the order of Q is irrelevant.
A = ["1a","1b","1c","1d","1e","2a","2b","2c","2d","2e"]; % sorted
B = ["A1_2a","U1_1c","Z1_2d","I1_1e","T1_1a","F1_2b","O1_1d","P1_2c","J1_2e","S1_1b"];
[~,X] = ismember(A,extractAfter(B,'_'));
C = B(X)
C = 1×10 string array
"T1_1a" "S1_1b" "U1_1c" "O1_1d" "I1_1e" "A1_2a" "F1_2b" "P1_2c" "Z1_2d" "J1_2e"