MATLAB: How to sort dependent vectors

sorting vectors

I have two vectors for example:
A=[0 8 2 9 1 10 23]
B=[2 30 23 90 45 47 5]
I need to make chart where B is depending of A ( B=f(A) )
I sorted A vector using:
Asorted = sort(A,'ascend')
How to sort B vector to the elements corresponding to the values of A (before sorting)?
In the end i want to get vectors
Asorted=[0 1 2 8 9 10 23]
Bsorted=[2 45 23 30 47 5]

Best Answer

Second outout if sort() gives the index used to sort the vector. You can use it to arrange element of B.
A=[0 8 2 9 1 10 23];
B=[2 30 23 90 45 47 5];
[Asorted, idx] = sort(A,'ascend')
Bsorted = B(idx)