MATLAB: How to sort a structure by numbers in one of its fields

sort fieldssort structures

First of all, I have used a workaround to label my structure fields as distances as the following:
RX.(['d',num2str(distance{1})])(:,1) = data(:,45); % COTS 1, X-axis
RX.(['d',num2str(distance{1})])(:,2) = data(:,46); % COTS 1, Y-axis
so that my structure in the end looks like this:
d0: [600000x6 double]
d100: [525000x6 double]
d10: [550000x6 double]
d20: [475000x6 double]
d2: [550000x6 double]
d30: [450000x6 double]
d40: [525000x6 double]
d4: [600000x6 double]
d50: [525000x6 double]
I would like to be able to sort the fields in the structure so that they'd end up as
d0: [600000x6 double]
d2: [550000x6 double]
d4: [600000x6 double]
d6: [600000x6 double]
d8: [600000x6 double]
d10: [600000x6 double]
d20: [600000x6 double]
I can get as far as
RXnames = fieldnames(RX);
for j = 1:length(RXnames)
RXd(j) = regexpi(RXnames{j},'d(\d\d*)','tokens');
RXd(j) = RXd{j};
RXd = RXd';
which gives me the distances in a string array:
and then I can str2double them to a number array which I can then sort, but then I lose association with the fields. Does anyone know of a way to sort the way I'm describing?
Thanks to anyone in advance!

Best Answer

a = struct('d100',randi(125,4,5),'d458',3,'d7',rand(3),'d0','sd456'); % your data
p1 = regexp(fieldnames(a),'\d*','match');
[i1,i1] = sort(str2double(cat(1,p1{:})));
out = orderfields(a,i1)