MATLAB: How to solve this error: Error using ‘ TRANSPOSE does not support N-D arrays. Use PAGETRANSP​OSE/PAGECT​RANSPOSE to transpose pages or PERMUTE to reorder dimensions of N-D arrays


u10 = double(ncread(nc_windfile, 'u10')) ;
v10 = double(ncread(nc_windfile, 'v10')) ;
lon = double(ncread(nc_windfile, 'longitude'))';
lat =double( ncread(nc_windfile, 'latitude'))';
time_w = double(ncread(nc_windfile, 'time'));
%interpolation of component of wind from 12.5° to 1km:
%first interpolation: from 12.5 to 6 km:
lat=lat'; lon=lon';
[yi, xi]=meshgrid(36:0.06:37,2.5:0.06:4.5);
U1 = F(yi,xi);
Error using '
TRANSPOSE does not support N-D arrays. Use PAGETRANSPOSE/PAGECTRANSPOSE to transpose pages or PERMUTE to reorder dimensions of N-D
Error in NCAR_wind_nc11 (line 36)
i tried also to use interp2 but i get the same error

Best Answer

What is the size of u10 ?
u10 = double(ncread(nc_windfile, 'u10')) ;
If it has more than 2 dimensions, u10' is not valid - as the error message tells you.