MATLAB: How to solve this error

positive integer

function COM = jcoMatrix(I1) %Declare the function
% coMatrix : co-occurrence matrix
d_i = 0;
d_j = 1;
COM = zeros(256, 256); % Declare the size of the CCM
for i = 1:(size(I1, 1) – d_i)
for j = 1:(size(I1, 2) – d_j)
index_i = I1(i, j) + 1;
index_j = I1(i + d_i, j + d_j) + 1;
COM(index_i, index_j) = COM(index_i, index_j) + 1;
% To calculate the repeatition of pixel value so to generate CCM
Attempted to access COM(1.01408,2); index must be a positive integer or logical. Error in jcoMatrix (line 13)
COM(index_i, index_j) = COM(index_i, index_j) + 1;

Best Answer

Save the function file in different MATLAB script and ensure that filename must be same as function name, that is jcoMatrix.m
function COM = jcoMatrix(I1) %Declare the function
% coMatrix : co-occurrence matrix
d_i = 0;
d_j = 1;
COM = zeros(256, 256); % Declare the size of the CCM
for i = 1:(size(I1, 1) - d_i)
for j = 1:(size(I1, 2) - d_j)
index_i = I1(i, j) + 1;
index_j = I1(i + d_i, j + d_j) + 1;
COM(index_i, index_j) = COM(index_i, index_j) + 1;
% To calculate the repeatition of pixel value so to generate CCM
Next call the function from command window or another main MATLAB script by passing input argument I1 (matrix here)