MATLAB: How to solve this equation(nonlinear)

nonlinear regression

Hello I want to solve this equation with Matlab but I have some problem.Please help to me for solving this equation.Finally I should find β,aR,KR,R2 values.
β,aR,KR are constant
%qe=[1.48 4.11 3.72 7.11 9.71 10.76 ];
%Ce=[2.57 9.40 31.38 34.41 51.45 146.20 ];
xdata=[2.57 9.40 31.38 34.41 51.45 146.20];
ydata=[1.48 4.11 3.72 7.11 9.71 10.76 ];
x0 =[1;10;100];
[x, resnorm]= lsqcurvefit(@hadifun,x0,xdata,ydata)
>> nonlinear
Error using lsqcurvefit (line 248)
Function value and YDATA sizes are not equal.
Error in nonlinear (line 6)
[x, resnorm]= lsqcurvefit(@hadifun,x0,xdata,ydata)"
function F = hadifun(x,xdata)
F = (x(1)*xdata)/(1+((x(2)*xdata.^(x(3)))));
>> hadifun
Error using hadifun (line 2)
Not enough input arguments. "

Best Answer

Looks like you need dot-division,
F = (x(1)*xdata)./(1+((x(2)*xdata.^(x(3)))));