MATLAB: How to solve this equation which contains the complementary error function

complementary error functionsolve equation

% clear all;clc
format long;
syms G d t h a N positive;
The code is showed above and its run result is "Warning: Explicit solution could not be found. > In solve at 169" The vesion of Matlab is R2012b.
The following is the equation:
(4*(erfc((d^(1/2)*t^(1/2))/h)*exp((d*t)/h^2)*((2*d*t)/h^2 – 1) – (2*d^(1/2)*t^(1/2))/(pi^(1/2)*h)))/(a^2*((4*d*t)/a^2 + 1)^2) – ((2*erfc((d^(1/2)*t^(1/2))/h)*exp((d*t)/h^2))/h^2 + (erfc((d^(1/2)*t^(1/2))/h)*exp((d*t)/h^2)*((2*d*t)/h^2 – 1))/h^2 – 1/(2*pi^(1/2)*d^(1/2)*h*t^(1/2)) – (4*d^(1/2)*t^(1/2))/(pi^(1/2)*h^3) + (4*d*t*erfc((d^(1/2)*t^(1/2))/h)*exp((d*t)/h^2))/h^4 – ((2*d*t)/h^2 – 1)/(2*pi^(1/2)*d^(1/2)*h*t^(1/2)) – (d^(1/2)*t^(1/2)*((2*d*t)/h^2 – 1))/(pi^(1/2)*h^3) + (d*t*erfc((d^(1/2)*t^(1/2))/h)*exp((d*t)/h^2)*((2*d*t)/h^2 – 1))/h^4)/((4*d*t)/a^2 + 1) + (4*t*((2*d*erfc((d^(1/2)*t^(1/2))/h)*exp((d*t)/h^2))/h^2 – d^(1/2)/(pi^(1/2)*h*t^(1/2)) + (d*erfc((d^(1/2)*t^(1/2))/h)*exp((d*t)/h^2)*((2*d*t)/h^2 – 1))/h^2 – (d^(1/2)*((2*d*t)/h^2 – 1))/(pi^(1/2)*h*t^(1/2))))/(a^2*((4*d*t)/a^2 + 1)^2) + (4*d*((2*t*erfc((d^(1/2)*t^(1/2))/h)*exp((d*t)/h^2))/h^2 – t^(1/2)/(pi^(1/2)*d^(1/2)*h) + (t*erfc((d^(1/2)*t^(1/2))/h)*exp((d*t)/h^2)*((2*d*t)/h^2 – 1))/h^2 – (t^(1/2)*((2*d*t)/h^2 – 1))/(pi^(1/2)*d^(1/2)*h)))/(a^2*((4*d*t)/a^2 + 1)^2) – (32*d*t*(erfc((d^(1/2)*t^(1/2))/h)*exp((d*t)/h^2)*((2*d*t)/h^2 – 1) – (2*d^(1/2)*t^(1/2))/(pi^(1/2)*h)))/(a^4*((4*d*t)/a^2 + 1)^3)=0
I also tried to solve it by Maple 16 and failed, too. Looking forward to any kind help. Thanks!

Best Answer

As Walter has pointed out, it is surely not possible for 'solve' to find an explicit solution for t in terms of the other variables, since your expression involves the 'erfc' function. The best you can hope for is a numerical solution. To accomplish this I would suggest you make the following substitutions in G to simplify matters. Let x = sqrt(d*t)/h and k = 4*h^2/a^2 so that
G = g(x) = ((1-2*x^2)*exp(x^2)*erfc(x)+2*x/sqrt(pi))/(1+k*x^2)
dG/dd = dg/dx*dx/dd = g'(x)*sqrt(t/d)/(2*h)
d(dG/dd)/dt = g"(x)*dx/dt*sqrt(t/d)/(2*h)+g'(x)/sqrt(d*t)/(4*h)
= g"(x)*(sqrt(d/t)/(2*h))*sqrt(t/d)/(2*h)+g'(x)/sqrt(d*t)/(4*h)
= g"(x)/(4*h^2)+g'(x)/(4*h^2)/x
= (g"(x)*x+g'(x))/(4*h^2*x)
Hence the equation you want to solve is
g"(x)*x+g'(x) = 0
For this purpose you can use matlab's 'fzero'. For any given value of k=4*h^2/a^2 you can find the x root or roots of this equation. Having found it or them, you can immediately use the solution(s) to solve for t as
t = h^2*x^2/d
You can use your symbolic toolbox to evaluate and simplify g'(x) and g"(x) in setting up the expression g"(x)*x+g'(x) for 'fzero' to solve.