MATLAB: How to solve this differential equation

differential equationsequationiteration

I want to solve the equation iteratively for rcfv. I have the value of gama = 1.399 and beta = 0.675. How can I solve this equation to get the value of rcfv.

Best Answer

This will get you two real values for ‘r_CFV’:
gama = 1.399;
beta = 0.675;
f = @(rcfv) rcfv.^(1-gama)/gama + ((gama-1)/2)*beta.^4 * rcfv.^(2/gama) - (gama+1)/2;
r_cfv(1) = fzero(f, 1)
r_cfv(2) = fzero(f, 10)
x = linspace(-20, 20);
plot(x, f(x))
Use the Optimization Toolbox fsolve function with real and complex initial estimates to get complex values. Another option is the Symbolic Math Toolbox solve function.