MATLAB: How to solve the error “Improper assignment with rectangular empty matrix” caused by an error in the find command

erro improper assi...erro improper assignment with rectangular empty matrixfind

I have the matrix B=[17.9250;17.9750;18.0250;18.0750;18.1250;18.1750] and I have the matrix A=(1800×1).
All values of matrix A are in B.
I want to find the position in A that the values of B are.
For this, I tried to use the find command in two ways:
i) out of the loop
ii) inside a loop, because I have several arrays like A
for k=1:length(A(:,1))
However error appears "Improper assignment with rectangular empty matrix", even if this value exists, someone has already passed this problem and can you help me?
I appreciate the attention.

Best Answer

[~,C] = ismember(A,B);