MATLAB: How to solve the code for the question given below, i have tried the level best with the code

bus farehomeworkuniversity problems

Write a function called fare that computes the bus fare one must pay in a given city based on the distance travelled. Here is how the fare is calculated: the first mile is $2. Each additional mile up to a total trip distance of 10 miles is 25 cents. Each additional mile over 10 miles is 10 cents. Miles are rounded to the nearest integer other than the first mile which must be paid in full once a journey begins. Children 18 or younger and seniors 60 or older get a 20% discount. The inputs to the function are the distance of the journey and the age of the passenger in this order. Return the fare in dollars, e.g., 2.75 would be the result returned for a 4-mile trip with no discount.
function amount = fare(distance,age)
if distance==0
if fix(distance) <=10
if fix(distance) > 10
if age <=18 && age >= 60

Best Answer

Your line
if age <=18 && age >= 60
can only be true if age is simultaneously no more than 18 and is also at least 60.
I have seen philosophical arguments that "infinity" is simultaneously positive and negative, so there could maybe be some claim that someone who has reached the age of "infinity" is both less than 18 and more than 60, but other than that I am not aware of any way your test could be satisfied.