MATLAB: How to solve singularity problem while using fsolve


Hi,I am trying to solve for x in a equation using fsolve. Below is the code and equation:
a = 0.1886;
b = 0.6886;
c = 1.1886;
m = 0.31372;
x0 = 0.1;
F = @(x)[(((x-a)/(x-c))^(m))+((x-a)/(x-b))];
options = optimset('Display','iter','MaxFunEvals',1e20,'TolFun',2e-50,'TolX',2e-50);
[xd, fval, exitflag, output]= fsolve(F, x0, options)
However, I am getting 'No solution found' with a message: fsolve stopped because the problem appears to be locally singular. I have tried changing the options parameters and initial guess still getting same output. Any help is appreciated.
Thanks, KB

Best Answer

Try splitting the fsolve approach with real() and imag() because with real() i get something:
F = @(x)[real(((x-a)/(x-c))^(m))+((x-a)/(x-b))];
[xd, fval, exitflag, output]= fsolve(F, x0, options)
Norm of First-order Trust-region
Iteration Func-count f(x) step optimality radius
0 2 0.366931 1.77 1
1 4 0.000271336 0.207172 0.0421 1
2 6 2.03148e-07 0.00645204 0.00109 1
3 8 1.38596e-13 0.000186725 8.97e-07 1
4 10 7.81816e-26 1.54486e-07 6.74e-13 1
5 12 3.08149e-33 1.16029e-13 1.34e-16 1
Equation solved, inaccuracy possible.
The vector of function values is near zero, as measured by the selected value
of the function tolerance. However, the last step was ineffective.
<stopping criteria details>
xd =
fval =
exitflag =
output =
iterations: 5.00
funcCount: 12.00
algorithm: 'trust-region-dogleg'
firstorderopt: 0.00
message: 'Equation solved, inaccuracy possible.…'
repeat for the imag() part.
Or alternatively use abs() and arg()
all together, you should catch at least 2 poles on b and c.
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