MATLAB: How to solve simultaneous equation

simultaneous equation

I hope to solve this simultaneous equation for y.
but I have some errors.
So i input the following code in Matlab R2018b:
clear all
>> syms A R B C y w t;
>> p1 = y - C*( (sin(w*t) )^2 / (A + sqrt(R*y + B^2)));
>> sol = solve([p1 == 0], y, 'ReturnConditions', true);
>> sol = solve([p1 == 0], y);
Warning: Solutions are parameterized by the symbols: z1. To include parameters and conditions in the
solution, specify the 'ReturnConditions' value as 'true'.
> In solve>warnIfParams (line 475)
In solve (line 357)
Warning: Solutions are valid under the following conditions: (signIm(A*1i - (C*sin(t*w)^2*1i)/z1) == -1 |
A*z1 == C*sin(t*w)^2 & z1 ~= 0) & C^2*sin(t*w)^4 + A^2*z1^2 == R*z1^3 + B^2*z1^2 + 2*A*C*z1*sin(t*w)^2.
To include parameters and conditions in the solution, specify the 'ReturnConditions' value as 'true'.
> In solve>warnIfParams (line 482)
In solve (line 357)
No matter what i do i can't make this to work. It's very strange. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

syms A R B C y w t;
eqn = y == C*( (sin(w*t) )^2 / (A + sqrt(R*y + B^2)));
[n,d] = numden(rhs(eqn));
ysol = solve(eqn * d, y, 'maxdegree', 3)