MATLAB: How to solve quadratic minimization problem with many constraints

constraintsmany constraintsMATLABminimizationquadprog

I have to minimize quadratic equation like (x^T)Hx+(x^T)f
And I also have M number of constraints inequality like this.
A_1x=<b_1, A_2x=<b_2,…, A_Mx=<b_M
A_m is (n x n) matrix, b_m is (n x 1) matrix, m=1,2,…,M. and x is (n x 1) matrix.
I already know about quadprog matlab function, But it is suitable for just one constraint like just A_1x=<b_1.
So How can I get minimization solution with many constraints using matlab?

Best Answer

A = [A_1;A_2;...;A_M];
b = [b_1;b_2;...;b_M];
Best wishes