MATLAB: How to solve pcode for constell toolbox

about constell toolbox and pcode

I am using Matlab2015a and I need to use constell toolbox to covert my data. However the constell toolbox which I downloaded gives below error;
Warning: The P-code file ecef2ned.p was generated prior to MATLAB version 7.5 (R2007b) and will not be supported in a future release. Use pcode to
regenerate ecef2ned.p using MATLAB R2007b or later.
Not enough input arguments. See help on ECEF2NED for details.
Returning with empty outputs.
Would be happy if anyone knows how to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

The first part is a warning and should not affect the second part in theory.
Regenerating the pcode is something the people with the original source would have to do, not something that you can do.
The second part implies that you typed
at the command line without passing any arguments, or that some line of code does that. You can't do that: you need to pass in values.