MATLAB: How to solve Out of memory error in MATLAB


A=[10 20 30;14 15 18];
this the code which i have been used for calculating median value of the matrix.....but i have got the following error...
Error using rjpg8c
Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
Error in readjpg (line 11) A = rjpg8c(filename); My laptop is cofigured with 3GB RAM…and I am using matlab 16a…Thanks for any help in advance

Best Answer

rjpg8c and readjpg are functions called by imread when reading an 8-bit jpg image.
If you get an out of memory error in these functions, it must be because you're trying to read an image that takes too much memory for your machine. There's not much you can do about it other than adding more memory to your machine (or freeing memory used by other programs) or reading smaller images.
Note that this is absolutely nothing to do with the built-in matlab median function. If you get this error when calling median, it is thus because you've created your own median function in one of the folders on the path. If so, don't do that!