MATLAB: How to solve nonlinear coupled ode by Shooting method .

martin v.

Respected sir ,
I am getting problem to solve non linear coupled BVP by shooting method . Can you help me to solve that problem?
My problem is
H''= Sc*(2*A*H+.5*A*t*H'+F'*H-F*H'+Rex*Zai*H);
where A=0 ; epsilon1= 0 ; epsilon2=1; lambda= 1; delta=1; bita=0; Nr=.1; Pr=5; M=.5;
Ec=.1 ; Sc=1; Rex= .3 ; Zai= .1 ;
and F(0)=0 , F'(0)=1 F'(infity)=0 G(0)=1 G(infity)=0 H(0)= 1 H(infity)=0
and F''(0) , G'(0) & H'(0) we have to guess
so tell me how to solve by shooting method with using rk -4 method .

Best Answer

It is okey but my problem still remain same that how i do appropriate guess for according to your code
F2(0) & G1(0) & H1(0)