MATLAB: How to solve minimization problem for matrix system


I have a system of matrices and I need to solve minimization problem.
Please see the matrix in the attached Word document.
Also attached is my code
The whole code is to calculate the values for the matrix system. This part I already did.
The matrix system is this C1*A1*x1 + C2*A2*x2 = B
C1 and C2 are scalar constants.
A1 and A2 are matrices of size (3 by 4).
x1 and x2 are matrices of size (4 by 1).
B is a matrix of size (3 by 1).
All the elements are known values calculated in the code, except elements of [x2] and the last element of matrix B. "B(3,1)"
Matrix [x2]: The number of elements of matrix [x2] are four but actually they are only three variables because x2(2,1) and x2(3,1) are the same variable 'delta_a'. These variables in the code are ('delta_a', 'delta_c', 'delta_t') defined in line 178. The values of the elements of matrix x2 can be constrained in a range of integers from (-5) to (+5).
The required minimization is for the variable (Di) in matrix B in line 183.
Please see attached matrix and code.

Best Answer

And you are sure that one of the 11*11*11 combinations of possible values for alpha, beta and gamma give you the prescribed values of B(1,1) and B(2,1) ?
If this is the case, just test the 11*11*11 combinations and see which of the feasible ones give you a minimal B(3,1).
Best wishes
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