MATLAB: How to solve many polynomial equations listed in a matrix

for loopmatrixpolynomial equationroots

I have a matrix where each row is a polynomial equation:
A=[0.01 620.085 -3750
0.01 620.082 -3750
0.01 620.079 -3750
0.01 620.076 -3750];
I want to solve every row of matrix A. How can i do that, I tried:
for i=1:length(A)
I want to get the answer as follows:
I= [I(1,1) I(1,2)
I(2,1) I(2,2)
I(3,1) I(3,2)
I(4,1) I(4,2)];

Best Answer

Roots = arrayfun( @(x) roots( A( x, : ) ), 1 : 4, 'un', 0 );
[ Roots{ : } ].'
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