MATLAB: How to solve m = 2 [1- (ln(1/A)-1)/N + ln ( (1+(c/Kon))/1+(c/Koff))) in MATLAB


I want to solve this equation:
m = 2 [1- (ln(1/A)-1)/N + ln ( (1+(c/Kon))/1+(c/Koff)))
A = 1/3
N =10
c= 0
Kon= 0.5
Koff = 0.02
How can i do it? I tried the solve function, but I can't do it.

Best Answer

A few errors: no * after the 2, a square bracket instead of parenthesis, and ln instead of log. Corrected code:
A = 1/3;
N =10;
c= 0;
Kon= 0.5;
Koff = 0.02;
m = 2* (1 - (log(1/A)-1)/N + log( (1+(c/Kon))/1+(c/Koff)))
In the command window:
m =