MATLAB: How to solve for a dependent variable then display that answer

solve equationvariable

I have a sixth order linear equation that I need to find the dependent variable V. Below is what I have. I THINK i have it calculation V, but I can't get it to display V. Please help!
format short e; D1=2.5928000000E+01; D2=-7.6029610000E-01; D3=4.6377910000E-02; D4=-2.1653940000E-03; D5=6.0481440000E-05; D6=-7.2934220000E-07; DC=100;
syms V; vpasolve((V*D1)+(D2*V.^2)+(D3*V.^3)+(D4*V.^4)+(D5*V.^5)+(D6*V.^6)-DC==0,V);

Best Answer

Ryan, simply remove the semi-colon after the vpasolve command
If you do
Vsol = vpasolve((V*D1)+(D2*V.^2)+(D3*V.^3)+(D4*V.^4)+(D5*V.^5)+(D6*V.^6)-DC==0,V)
the solutions for V are saved in the variable Vsol, e.g., to be used later on in your code.