MATLAB: How to solve first order ODEs to find four components (for velocity and displacement of projectile in X and Y directions)

@ stephen cobeldickjan

Hello dear experts in Matlab,
I did a Matlab code to simulate the motion of a projectile in air.
I hope to find TEN reasonable corresponging values (vectors) for the four components (X-velocity, Y-velocity, X-displacement, and Y-displacement) against the Time period (t=[0:0.5:4.5]).
The code that I did fails in executing reasonable values. I don't know what is wrong with it OR with the Four Functions it calls to run.
To simplify reading my codes that I ATTACHED HERE;
xcomp1 file is the functiond of x-velocity (v_x)
xcomp11 file is the functiond of x-displacement (s_x)
ycomp2 file is the functiond of y-velocity (v_y)
ycomp22 file is the functiond of y-displacement (s_y)
My deep thanks for each notice and support!

Best Answer

A little more like the following perhaps (it can all be done in one file):
%Primary Conditions
tspan=[0:0.5:4.5]; %Period of Time that we will calculate through it.
% You need an initial velocity and an initial angle or there will be no
% variation in the y-direction!!
% For example
v0 = 10; theta0 = pi/6;
initial_vx=v0*cos(theta0); %initial value for v_x
initial_vy=v0*sin(theta0); %initial value for v_y
initial_x11=0; %initial value for s_x
initial_y22=0; %initial value for s_y
xyv0 = [initial_x11, initial_y22, initial_vx, initial_vy];
s_x = xyv(:,1);
s_y = xyv(:,2);
v_x = xyv(:,3);
v_y = xyv(:,4);
xlabel('Time (S)')
ylabel('Vx (m/s)')
xlabel('Time (S)')
ylabel('Vy (m/s)')
xlabel('Sx (m)')
ylabel('Sy (m))')
function dxyvdt = rate(t,xyv)
% s_x = xyv(1); % Not needed inside this function
% s_y = xyv(2); % ditto
v_x = xyv(3);
v_y = xyv(4);
rho_p=0.9986*10^3; %density of object
rho_f=1.2077; %density of air
v=sqrt(v_x^2+v_y^2); %object velocity
% T_p0=33; %initial droplet temperature
% T_f=18; %air temperature
% R_H=0.5; %Relative Humidity
k1=74*10^-12; %evaporation constant
R0=100*10^-6; %initial object radius
Reynolds_no=672; %%%%% Why isn't Reynolds number a function of velocity?%%%%
c_d=(21.12/Reynolds_no)+(6.3/sqrt(Reynolds_no))+0.25; %drag coefficient
% The drag force should be applied to the velocity v and then resolved
% into x and y components. You shouldn't use the resolved velocities
% to calculate separate drag forces (though, given that your drag
% is linear in velocity here, that probably won't matter too much!).
drag = -3*c_d*rho_f*v;
theta = atan(v_y/v_x);
drag_x = drag*cos(theta);
drag_y = drag*sin(theta);
dxyvdt = [v_x;
NB If you change your timespan to , say, tspan = 0:0.1:4.5; you will get smoother curves for v_x and v_y.