MATLAB: How to solve …….Error using datastore Invalid Simulink object name: TreatAsMissing


Hello, I am using Matlab 15a, for creating the datastore for map-reduce programming on standalone system the following problem occurred.
Error using datastore (line 12) Invalid Simulink object name: TreatAsMissing
Error in Main1 (line 2) ds = datastore('MD_MapReduce.csv',…
Caused by: Error using datastore (line 12) No block diagram 'TreatAsMissing' is loaded.

Best Answer

I got the some hints to solve above problem...
Thanks to Jason Fice,
Only fire the bellow query, when parallel pool not work..on Win 8, The query not solve the problem on Win 7.
distcomp.feature( 'LocalUseMpiexec', false )
But, For each time when Matlab startup, need to execute above query.
try it, I used the following link for the answer...