MATLAB: How to solve Error: Unrecognized switch: -. during ssc_build

errorMATLABmex compilerSimscape

Dear all,
I'm trying to build my previously made simscape files using ssc_build. However, I get the following error:
Error: Unrecognized switch: -.
I'm using a 64-bit Matlab 2013a installation with Microsoft Software Development Kit (SDK) 7.1 compiler that I set up succesfully using mex -setup.
The ssc files were created using a 32-bit installation, can this be the cause or is there another reason? Do I need administrator rights in a particular folder to make this work?
Thanks in advance, Sebastiaan

Best Answer

Dear all,
I found the solution to my problem. It was simply an error in the name of a folder in the path. It contained " - " which apparently is not allowed. Compiling in another folder (Documents\MATLAB) worked fine. I was even able to copy the compiled files back into the original folder and use them in my simulations.
Regards, Sebastiaan
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