MATLAB: How to solve error linear equation system

height fracture pseudo 3d

I have a code to find height fracture of Hydraulic fracturing method. But i can't find because error : " Cannot find an exact (case-sensitive) match for 'Solve'
The closest match is: solve in C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017a\toolbox\symbolic\symbolic\solve.m Error in timhf (line 34) sol = Solve(Ku,Kd,dhu, dhd);"
I think equation system maybe solve converge method.
This is my code :
clear all
syms dhd dhu
psi = 6.894757 *10 ^3;
ft = 0.3048 ;
lbmpft3 = 16.01846;
inch = 0.0254 ;
psisqin = psi *sqrt(inch);
grav = 9.81;
%(*Problem specific data*)
Kictop= 1000 *psisqin ;
Kicbot = 1000*psisqin;
sigma=7100*psi ;
hpef = 75 *ft ;
sigmau = 7700 *psi ;
sigmad = 8100 *psi ;
rho = 62.4*lbmpft3;
Pnet = 600*psi;
%hh = hp + dhd + dhu;
yd = -1 + 2*dhd /(hpef + dhd + dhu);
yu = 1 - 2*dhu/(hpef + dhd + dhu);
cOO = sigma + Pnet + rho* grav *(dhd - dhu)/2;
c1 = -rho*grav*(hpef + dhd + dhu)/2 ;
fd=@(y,cO,c1) ((1 - y)/(1 + y))^(1/2)*(cO - c1 + ((2*cO - c1)*y)/2 + (c1*y^2)/2) - (2*cO - c1)* atan(y*((1- y)/(1 + y))^(1/2)/(-1 + y))/2;
fu=@(y,cO,c1) ((-1 - y)/(-1 + y))^(1/2)*(-cO-c1 + ((2*cO + c1)*y)/2 + (c1*y^2)/2) + (2*cO + c1)* atan(y*((-1 - y)/(-1 + y))^(1/2)/(1 + y))/2;
fup1=@(cO,c1) Pi/4*(2*cO + c1);
fum1=@(cO,c1) Pi/4*(-2*cO - c1);
fdp1=@(cO,c1) Pi/4*(2*cO - c1);
fdm1=@(cO,c1) Pi/4*(-2*cO + c1);
Ku = -Kictop+sqrt(hpef/(2*Pi))*(fu(yd,cOO-sigmad,c1)-fum1(cOO-sigmad,c1)+fu(yu,cOO-sigma,c1)-fu(yd,cOO-sigma,c1)+fup1(cOO-sigmau,c1)-fu(yu,cOO-sigmau,c1));
Kd = -Kicbot + sqrt(hpef/(2*Pi))*(fd(yd,cOO-sigmad,c1)-fdm1(cOO-sigmad,c1)+fd(yu,cOO-sigma,c1)-fd(yd,cOO-sigma,c1)+fdp1(cOO-sigmau,c1)-fd(yu,cOO-sigmau,c1));
sol = Solve(Ku,Kd,dhu, dhd);

Best Answer

The MATLAB's function names are case-sensitive. The function name is 'solve' (all lowercase)
sol = Solve(Ku,Kd,dhu, dhd);
sol = solve(Ku,Kd,dhu, dhd);