MATLAB: How to solve equation for a given matrix


Hi everybody
I have got equation which is ;
Eq = 0.4075*exp(-((e-14.87)/11.39).^2) + 0.5621*exp(-((e-18.64)/27.74).^2);
e is a 100*1 double matrix.
I would like to use the value of each row as an input to my function and save the results as matrix again. I used solve command, I could get any results.
Any suggestion is highly appreciated.

Best Answer

What's wrong with what you've already got?
%Vector method
e = rand(100,1)*10;
Eq = 0.4075*exp(-((e-14.87)/11.39).^2) + 0.5621*exp(-((e-18.64)/27.74).^2);
% Loop method
Eq2 = zeros(size(e));
for i = 1:numel(e)
Eq2(i) = 0.4075*exp(-((e(i)-14.87)/11.39).^2) + 0.5621*exp(-((e(i)-18.64)/27.74).^2);
% Are they equal?
isequal(Eq,Eq2) % = 1; yes