MATLAB: How to solve equation


I have
a = [1 2 3 4]; b = [2 3 4 5];
(X*a - 5)^2 + (X*b - 6)^2 + (X - 4)^2 - 16 = 0
How to create this 4 equations and find the value of 'X' for each equation in MATLAB..?

Best Answer

arrayfun( @(A, B) roots([B^2+A^2+1, -12*B-10*A-8, 61], a, b, 'Uniform', 0)
Alternate approach that reaches the answer you want but with a different sequence of steps:
syms A B X
x = solve((X*A - 5)^2 + (X*B - 6)^2 + (X - 4)^2 - 16, X);
subs(x, {A, B}, {a, b})
This finds the generalized solution as a single equation, and then puts the actual values in, which is the reverse of the steps you asked.
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