MATLAB: How to solve Attempted to access (0) error.


In attached figure, one equation is there which i need to implement.
x[n] = a* r^n
a = 11; r = 0.9; L = 19; 0<=m<=L; 0<=n<=L
for this i have written a script.
clear all
a = 11;
r = 0.9;
L = 19;
for m = 0:L
for n = 0:L
S(m) = a*(r^n);
xlabel('Value of "S"');
ylabel('Value of "L"');
title('a = 11; r = 0.9; L = 19')
When i run it, it gives following error
Attempted to access (0); index must be a positive integer or logical.
Error in Question_6 (line 8)
S(m) = a*(r^n);
How to solve it..?

Best Answer

Nimisha - unlike C/C++, indexing into MATLAB arrays begins at one instead of zero. Since your code is iterating (over m) from 0 to L, then the error message makes sense for
S(m) = a*(r^n);
I don't think that you have quite gotten this equation correct. From your attached image, it looks like
S[m] = sum(n=0...m)x[n];
which to me means that your S could be initialized as
a = 11;
r = 0.9;
L = 19;
S = zeros(L+1,1); % size S
S(1) = a*(r^0); % this corresponds to S[0] in your equation
for m = 2:L+1
S(m) = S(m-1) + a*(r^m);
Note how the above assumes that S is a recurrence relation. We can then plot it as
xlabel('Value of "S"');
ylabel('Value of "L"');
title('a = 11; r = 0.9; L = 19')
Try it and see what happens!