MATLAB: How to solve an linear set of equations with arbitrary number of symbolic elements

linear set of equationsMATLABsolvesymbolic

I defined my U, with an arbitrary lenght due to the preferable N_elements
U = sym('U',[N_elements+1 1]);
Now I want to solve my linear set of equations by
FU_antwoord = solve(eq,[U(2), U(3), U(4), U(5)]);
This works, but only for N_elements= 4. Now I tried to make it work for an arbitrary chose N_elements, with a dummy-element U_t
U_t = U';
FU_antwoord = solve(eq,[ U_t(2:end)]
But this did not work (since the symbolic elements get transposed?), giving the error: Second argument must be a vector of symbolic variables.
Anyone know how I can solve this?

Best Answer

U_t = U.';
Remember that the ' operator is conjugate transpose.