MATLAB: How to solve an error


hi, I have written a code for text input files. everything is working fine except last 3 lines of code!!! i am getting this error
///////////////////////// Error using cat Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent.
Error in cell2mat (line 83) m{n} = cat(1,c{:,n}); ////////////////////////////////////////////
what I just want to do is to get/convert the data from cell 'alldata' to simple array 'rawdata' using cell2mat I tried so much I don't know what is the problem. I have attached the files also. please help. so much frustrated.
% read all text file from folder
clear all
close all
initialdir = cd();
set(0, 'DefaultAxesFontSize',15)
list = dir('*.txt');
delimiter = '\t';
formatSpec = '%s%s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%s%s%s%[^\n\r]';
alldata = [];
for file = 1:length(list)
fid = fopen(list(file).name);
dataArray = textscan(fid, formatSpec, 'Delimiter', delimiter, 'ReturnOnError', false);
%%Close the text file.
%%Convert the contents of columns containing numeric strings to numbers.
raw = repmat({''},length(dataArray{1}),length(dataArray)-1);
for col=1:length(dataArray)-1
raw(1:length(dataArray{col}),col) = dataArray{col};
raw(1,:) = [];
alldata = [alldata;raw];
rawdata(:,1) = datenum((alldata(:,1)),'yyyy-mm-dd') + datenum(alldata(:,2),'HH:MM') - datenum('00:00','HH:MM'); rawdata(:,2) = str2num(cell2mat(alldata(:,3)));
rawdata(:,3) = str2num(cell2mat(alldata(:,4)));
rawdata(:,4) = str2num(cell2mat(alldata(:,5)));

Best Answer

fixed it
rawdata(:,2) = str2double(alldata(:,3));
rawdata(:,3) = str2double(alldata(:,4));
rawdata(:,4) = str2double(alldata(:,5));