MATLAB: How to solve 3 equations dependent each other


Hello. How to code this situation?
In this situation i need to calculate all angular velocities from time 0s to time 5400s with increase by 0.1s and graph them.
I have all the initial values:
wxi = 0.0065
wyi = 0.0066
wzi = 0.0067
And constant values:
NT = 3.6 * 10^-10
Jx = 2.1 * 10^-3
Jy = 2.0 * 10^-3
Jz = 1.9 * 10^-3
Actually i thought it is going to be easy but when i write the code for wx, i realized that wx is increasing with time but wz and wy in the equation are constant values. Which kind of loop should i use? Thanks for the answers!

Best Answer

Actually i thought it is going to be easy but when i write the code for wx, i realized that wx is increasing with time but wz and wy in the equation are constant values.
Just copy the value in 3 different variables, then do the calculation.