MATLAB: How to smooth a plot


does anyone know what theory is beyond this use of different smoothOrder numbers? the code does central differences and gets smoother curves. but i don't know what is the theorics to justificate this increment of smoothorder. what method/theory beyond this smoothOrder increment? anyone? please. thank you.

Best Answer

I don't see any smoothing going on. You're just getting the average velocity over a time of smoothOrder by doing averageVelocity = deltaX/deltaT where the delta is over a time of smoothOrder seconds (or whatever units). That would be smoother than if smoothOrder was just 1, but I don't see any signal that was smoothed. You didn't calculate an "unsmooth" velocity so dx is not smoother than that (because it doesn't exist). x wasn't smoothed - it wasn't altered in any way, you didn't even get a smooth copy of x. And of course t wasn't smoothed either.
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