MATLAB: How to sketch Operational Scenarios with SimEvents

I’d like to sketch and simulate a set of operational scenarios or concept of operations (CONOPS) that describe the expected behavior of my system. These scenarios may follow the Enhanced Functional Flow Block Diagrams (EFFBD) standard which is an extension of the SysML activity diagram (See OMG Systems Modeling Language SysML p. 255), and I need additional features like the ability to connect my scenario to a Simscape model of my system.

Best Answer

With MATLAB R2018b and beyond, the event-based engine of SimEvents allows to accurately represent and simulate the sequence of execution of an operational scenario. See the following SimEvents example for a basic application:
The Pilot Support Package (PSP) SCENE is a SimEvents customization that allows system engineers to sketch complex but readable scenarios without SimEvents expertise. This PSP provides a dedicated Simulink library and a complete framework following the EFFBD standard, extended with behavioral modeling capabilities and additional routing and sequencing controls. 
An application of this PSP has been presented in France by Airbus at MATLAB Expo 2016: 
For more information on the PSP SCENE, please contact:
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