MATLAB: How to simulate Inertia in Simulink


I got the following images:
Here I try to simulate the inertia of my system and translate it to rpm. The result is as follows:
I don't get why my rpm doesn't follow my torque line.. The initial value for my integrator is zero (speed at t(0) = 0). Could someone help me with this

Best Answer

Your model and response seem fine to me. Dividing the input torque by the moment of inertia is correct.
The acceleration you're providing is always a positive value ranging from 1250 to 1700 N*m, so your speed should keep increasing with a slightly varying positive slope.
In reality, there would be other subtractive terms before the inertia division corresponding to stiffness, damping, friction, etc. Maybe this is what's missing from your model that you would expect to see?
- Sebastian