MATLAB: How to simplify this code (remove for loop)

consolidationefficiencyfor loopvectorize

I'm trying to get in the habit of writing my code in terms of matrix operations and using as few for loops as possible. Is there a better way to write this code without the for loop?
for ii=1:N
if (acos(dot(rel_vec,vec_array(:,ii))) > pi/2)
vec_array(:,ii) = -vec_array(:,ii);
vec_array is matrix containing N vectors (3xN). I compare each vector in the matrix to make sure they're within 180 degrees of some relative vector (rel_vec). If the vector is more than 180 degrees away, I multiply the vector by -1.

Best Answer

idx = acos(rel_vec * vec_array) > pi/2;
rvec(:,idx) = -rvec(:,idx);
where rel_vec is 1 by 3.