MATLAB: How to simplify the trignometric matrices?


I have tried using "simplify" command. MATLAB simplifies it to some extent but not completely. The code is as below:
if true
clear all
syms o l1 l2 l0;
A=[ cos(o) -sin(o) 1;
cos(o-120) -sin(o-120) 1;
cos(o-240) -sin(o-240) 1;
The anwer of the first element of matrix "W" is shown as
if true
% -(sin(o - 120) - sin(o - 240))/(2*sin(120) - sin(240))
clearly which can be further simplified (by applying formulas of Sin(a-b)) to give answer of Cos(o)… What am I doing wrong here??

Best Answer

Tell the simplify function to keep working on it:
W=simplify(X, 'steps', 20)
Also, as Torsten mentioned, the Symbolic Toolbox trigonometric functions require their arguments be in radians not degrees, so multiply the constants by ‘pi/180’.
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