MATLAB: How to simplify the given code snippet

I need to simplify the following code. Perhaps 'reshape' function should be used, but in which way? Any ideas would be appreciated.
% Dimensions of X and dx are the same
X=1:3; dx=0:0.1:0.3;
% How to write these 4 lines as 1?
colX1 = (X(1) + dx(1)*t)';
colX2 = (X(2) + dx(2)*t)';
colX3 = (X(3) + dx(3)*t)';
colX = [colX1; colX2; colX3];

Best Answer

colX2 = reshape(bsxfun(@plus,X,bsxfun(@times,t',dx(1:3))),[],1);
colX2 = reshape(bsxfun(@plus,X,t'*dx(1:3)),[],1)