MATLAB: How to show the output data in map.

contourfillplotgeoshowMapping Toolboxpcolorplotplotm

sir i want to plot my own output data in map.please help me. how will do this.sir i have 8 years annual time series of rainfall frequency and sir my data size is (20x22x8)(lon,lat,time).
thank you in advance.please sir help me.

Best Answer

I reaally shouldn't be giving you the answer, since you've shown absolutely no effort to create this plot yourself. But I'm bored at work waiting for some simulations to finish, so it's your lucky day.
First of all, I'm assuming that you already have a shapefile holding the India boundary, and that you have a raster grid of x (lon), y (lat), and z coordinates. Also, I'm assuming that your data grid isn't already trimmed to the India borders.
So, the first quick-and-dirty way to do this is to simply mask the data points outside the border:
file = 'TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp';
S = shaperead(file, 'usegeocoords', true, 'selector', ...
{@(x) strcmp(x,'India'), 'NAME'});
x = linspace(min(S.Lon), max(S.Lon), 100);
y = linspace(min(S.Lat), max(S.Lat), 100);
[x,y] = meshgrid(x,y);
z = rand(100);
isin = inpolygon(x,y,S.Lon,S.Lat);
z2 = z;
z2(~isin) = NaN;
plotm(S.Lat, S.Lon, 'k');
You'll notice that things get a little jagged around the edges, though. You can get a cleaner map by plotting all the data, then overlaying it with a polygon that masks out all but your region of interest. (Or in this case, polygons, since neither geoshow nor patchm tend to play well with polygons with holes):
lnlim = [65 100];
ltlim = [5 40];
lt = linspace(ltlim(1), ltlim(2), 3);
ln = linspace(lnlim(1), lnlim(2), 3);
for ii = 1:2
ltbox{ii} = lt([1 2 2 1 1]'+(ii-1));
lnbox{ii} = ln([1 1 2 2 1]'+(ii-1));
[lnmask, ltmask] = deal(cell(2));
for ii = 1:2
for jj = 1:2
[lnmask{ii,jj}, ltmask{ii,jj}] = polybool('-', ...
lnbox{ii}, ltbox{jj}, S.Lon, S.Lat);
ltboxall = ltlim([1 2 2 1 1]);
lnboxall = lnlim([1 1 2 2 1]);
[lnmaskall, ltmaskall] = polybool('-', lnboxall, ltboxall, S.Lon, S.Lat);
for ii = 1:4
patchm(ltmask{ii}, lnmask{ii}, 'w', 'edgecolor', 'none');
plotm(ltmaskall, lnmaskall, 'k');