MATLAB: How to show partial legend in figure

customize legend.figurelegend

Dear All,
I just want to show the partial part of my legend in Figure.
For example.
plot([1:10],'Color','r','DisplayName','This one');hold on;
plot([1:2:10],'Color','b','DisplayName','This two');
plot([1:3:10],'Color','k','DisplayName','This three');
Lets say I want to display only Last two or First two or first and last legend titles with proper colors.
Could anyone suggest plz.

Best Answer

To take your first example:
h = zeros(1,3);
h(1) = plot([1:10],'Color','r','DisplayName','This one');hold on;
h(2) = plot([1:2:10],'Color','b','DisplayName','This two');
h(3) = plot([1:3:10],'Color','k','DisplayName','This three'); hold off;
legend(h(2:3)); % Only display last two legend titles
If you didn't have "DisplayName", then you would have to manually add these string to the legend:
legend(h(2:3),'This two','This three');