MATLAB: How to show all cell contents which is images 1 by 1 using imshow

cell arraysdigital image processingimageimage processingMATLABsubplot

i wrote this code a while ago
idxSubs = 0;
for col = 1 : length(num_char)
subplot(4, 7 , 1 + idxSubs);
imshow(num_char{1, col});
caption = sprintf('img ke- %d', col);
title(caption,'FontSize', 11);
but unfortunately the result didn't give like what i expected.
as you guys see, it showed me only an image which's the last content of cell.
i want to show all cell contents in a figure(1).
thanks before.

Best Answer

Try this:
displayColumns = ceil(sqrt(length(num_char)));
for col = 1 : length(num_char)
subplot(displayColumns, displayColumns, col);
imshow(num_char{1, col});
caption = sprintf('img ke- %d', col);
title(caption,'FontSize', 11);